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13 Sep 2024

Image Credit: Jess & Morgs' Coppelia, Photo Andrew Ross

DanceEast has been awarded £50,159 from Jerwood Foundation towards its world-class commissioning programme, to be delivered over an 18-month period. The funding will support the creation of two new pieces at the Jerwood DanceHouse by some of the UK’s foremost dancemakers, Jess and Morgs, and Dickson Mbi, along with access to studios and wraparound support.

Following Jess and Morgs’ highly acclaimed and award winning Coppélia for Scottish Ballet (which featured on several Top Picks for Dance lists in 2022: No.2 in The Telegraph, No.3 in The Guardian and in The Stage’s Top 5), their newly commissioned work will further explore the relationship between technology and live performance, making use of DanceEast’s state-of-the-art digital facility and building on the dance charity’s positive relationship with the duo. In 2018 Jess and Morgs created Night Vision (2018), which was developed with DanceEast’s Centre for Advanced Training students and explored new applications of technology in live performance.

In addition, DanceEast has commissioned Dickson Mbi to make a follow-up piece to Enowate, which won the 2023 Olivier Award for Outstanding Achievement in Dance. Dickson Mbi has a long-standing relationship with Brendan Keaney, DanceEast’s Artistic Director and Chief Executive. Enowate was supported by DanceEast and performed at Jerwood DanceHouse.

Brendan Keaney OBE, Artistic Director and Chief Executive of DanceEast, said:

“Thanks to Jerwood Foundation’s support as both a key investor in the creation of our home, the Jerwood DanceHouse, and in our state-of-the-art Digital Playground, through grants made in 2007, 2008, and 2020, we now have one of the UK’s best facilities for creating work that brings together dance and technology.  In a difficult climate where it is hard for organisations and artists to invest in new work creation, Jerwood Foundation’s funding of two new commissions, and the associated costs, allows us to ensure outstanding new dance performances are created for new and existing audiences in the UK. The Jerwood name is synonymous with quality and excellence, and we understand that DanceEast has a particular responsibility for ensuring that the creative programme it presents at the DanceHouse meets these standards.  In enabling these two new commissions, Jerwood Foundation’s investment allows us to maintain the standards of our artistic programme, and the associated support we can provide to dance artists.”

Jess and Morgs said:

“Our new work, to be created at DanceEast, will explore the concept of a digital self, using AI and GreenScreen technology to push the boundaries of choreographic storytelling. By integrating live cameras, motion capture, and real-time key framing, we aim to create a dynamic experience where the audience witnesses live filmmaking, CGI, and dance unfolding together.

We are incredibly grateful to DanceEast for investing in our new work. Creating in a dance-led environment that also pioneers and champions the use of technology is rare, and access to their studio theatre and GreenScreen facilities is central to this new interdisciplinary piece. We cannot wait to create within the supportive community of DanceEast.”

Dickson Mbi said:

“Brendan Keaney has always been a key figure to me, even when I was 18 – 19 and started dancing.  When I did my first full length piece, Enowate, he was a real, major supporter. To have this commission at this moment in my development as an artistic director and for progression of the company’s new work means a lot to me.

This will enable us to financially support our company of artists and take this work to another level. We hope to tour the work nationally and internationally in 2025/26. “

Lara Wardle, Executive Director and Trustee, Jerwood Foundation said:

“Jerwood Foundation has a longstanding and valued relationship with DanceEast and this new grant of £50,159 will enable the creation of two new dance pieces by some of the UK’s foremost dancemakers. Supporting DanceEast’s world class commissioning programme aligns with Jerwood’s ongoing commitment to support artistic excellence and emerging talent in the UK.”

A person bent over looking between their legs. A dark background with water on the floor.