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25 Mar 2024

Image Credit: Rachel Cherry

With generous funding from Suffolk County Council, we are thrilled to launch our new Get Dancing Access Scheme!

The scheme is offering one whole term of classes, and two tickets to a performance, completely free to anyone who meets the following criteria:

  • Aged 18 or over
  • In receipt of Universal Credit
  • Lives in IP1, IP2, IP3, or IP4
  • Does not currently take part in classes at DanceEast (or hasn’t attended a class at DanceEast since July 2023)

If you meet these criteria, you can choose any of the following classes:


Terms and Conditions

One term of classes is equal to 10 classes over 10 weeks (with a one week break for half term). This offer is limited to one term of one chosen class (from the above list) per person and is not transferable. To be eligible for this offer, you must meet all of the above criteria and you must complete a monitoring form and a Health and Wellbeing questionnaire before the commencement of your chosen class. You will also be asked to complete a follow-up Health and Wellbeing questionnaire at the end of the term. This information is critical to the requirements of our funding from Suffolk County Council. Failure to meet these criteria will void your eligibility for this scheme. Funded places are limited and will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

Once you have booked onto your chosen class, you will also receive a special offer of two free tickets to a performance of your choice at DanceEast. Further details of this offer will be shared once the term has started.