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“It’s brilliant to be able to see progress from children and teachers.” – Dance Artist and Curriculum Lead on Digital Primaries

Digital Primaries delivers high quality, creative, cross-curricular dance to Key Stages 1 and 2.

Streamed live from DanceEast’s Jerwood DanceHouse into school classrooms, sessions embed topics from the Science and PSHE curriculum into learning.

Due to its digital nature, this is an easy way to get dance into your school, is cost effective and acts as CPD and confidence building for teachers to continue providing dance to their classes. The programme is designed so that any primary school can access it; perfect for those who do not have easy access to other dance opportunities.

When joining the programme, you will get:

  • Regular, live-streamed PSHE and Science sessions taught through Dance
  • Lesson plans which include Dance, PSHE and Science content
  • Increase in children’s engagement and wellbeing
  • Live CPD and recorded resources, prior to and throughout the programme
  • Tech support to enable you to join with ease.

“We don’t have a dance specialist as a teacher to kind of upskill us to be able to deliver on effective dance curriculum to the children… [Digital Primaries] give[s] us the resources and confidence to be able to do that successfully.” – Teacher interview


Digital Primaries is funded by Paul Hamlyn Foundation.