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“The children really enjoyed the DanceEast Digital Primaries session and enjoyed how the stimulus was linked to a science topic. I found that all children of mixed abilities and attitudes towards dance participated and tried their best showing great skills that the class teacher was prompted to support with. It was positive to participate with other schools for the children to gather ideas and have a responsibility to perform to an active audience with their final performances.” – Year 6 teacher and PE subject lead, Millfield Primary, June 2024

Digital Primaries delivers high quality, creative, cross-curricular dance to Key Stages 1 and 2.

Streamed live from DanceEast’s Jerwood DanceHouse into schools, these sessions embed topics from the Science and PSHE curriculum into learning.

Due to its digital nature, this is an ideal way to get dance professionals regularly into your school, is cost effective and acts as CPD and confidence building for teachers to continue providing dance to their classes.

When joining the programme, you will get:

  • Regular, live-streamed PSHE and Science sessions taught through Dance
  • Access to an online platform where you can access all lesson plans and further resources. The lessons and all accompanying planning and resources, have been devised by specialist dance artists and teachers, alongside education and curriculum advisers
  • Online continuous professional development session prior to delivering your unit
  • Progression is planned to build skills, knowledge and vocabulary over time.

Digital Primaries supports teachers to ensure a legacy of dance provision in schools. Teacher referring to a lesson on Dance and Science teaching magnets and forces said: “She [the artist] does things I’d never do; little steps, little ideas. They would never learn as much dance from me, I love the ideas.” – Teacher quote, Howard Primary, Summer 2024


Places are currently funded for 2024 – 2025. Please contact our programme manager for more details.

WHAT OFSTED SAY (Levelling the playing field: the physical education subject report published September 2023)

“Many schools do not match the ambition of the national curriculum. In two thirds of the schools, dance is not taught to all pupils, or the dance content being taught is not well organised.”

Recommendations: “Make sure that their curriculum matches the breadth and ambition of the national curriculum for all pupils. It should include carefully sequenced and taught dance in primary”

Simple steps to get started

  1. Register your interest by emailing: DIGITAL.PRIMARIES@DANCEEAST.CO.UK
  2. Pay to join the programme, pricing ranges from £300 – £550 + VAT per school depending on form entry size. *NB for the academic year 2024-2025 joining fees are currently subsidised by Paul Hamlyn Foundation, contact us for more information.
  3. Select units to take part in and allocate classes and teachers for each term. Send teacher contact details to DanceEast Programme Manager.
  4. Attend a CPD session at the start of each unit (beginning of each term) and get your equipment prepped ready to start!


Digital Primaries is funded by Paul Hamlyn Foundation.